About us

The need for services like Assisted Moves became apparent after experiencing first-hand the challenges of helping an older person move;  My own mum wanted to down-size from what was our family home a few years ago into somewhere more manageable and suitable for her needs.  Moving can often be stressful, even when things run relatively smoothly. However, helping my elderly mother brought to light the range of additional challenges faced by older people as they face such a significant event in their lives, sometimes alone.

In my mum’s case;  widowed some years previously, the upkeep of what had been the family home had become difficult, heating was costly and the garden unmanageable.  Whilst she knew that a move would ultimately make her happy as she got older, the prospect of sorting through and clearing out a life time of accumulated possessions and memories was so daunting, that it was almost enough to stop her making the move at all.  For myself and my brother, whilst we did all we could to support and help her prepare for her move, we were not living locally, we have families of our own and both worked full time ourselves, so snatched days off and weekend visits felt no-where near enough to support Mum with all she was going through.  We managed it though, worked with her through de-cluttering, selling her house and through the move itself and within a few months Mum moved into her new home.

It has been wonderful to see how happy Mum has been since her move, she has her mojo back and is enjoying everyday in her new home.  It became clear to me that I wanted to provide a service to help others who may be in a similar position.

Having had previous personal experience of buying and selling numerous times I’ve always understood the stresses involved in the moving process. I have a background in property renovation and as a land lord, and in my professional career I worked for many years  in IT as a business analyst, which involved project management, problem solving and constant juggling of priorities.  I was ready to take on a role assisting others through all the challenges that house-moving entails.

Assisted Moves are here to help you or members of your family in any way that you need, whatever the circumstances, with the moving process, as much or as little as you like.